Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Introduction to Sustainability

Hi there, my name is Lindsay, and I am currently studying Interior Design at Sheridan College. One of our first year courses is called "Sustainable Practices" and as one of our assignments, we are to create a journal on our thoughts, opinions and attitudes about sustainability.  The goal for this assignment is to collect, compile and record your own research, thinking and conclusions about sustainability. Let's get started!

You may want to ask me, what is sustainability? And maybe even, why we should care about this word? Well the answer to me is simple, without sustainability, we will not be able to survive for more than a few more generations.
Now, let's talk about what sustainability is. In my opinion, sustainability means using our knowledge of the environment and our insight of how our actions affect the earth to protect it. That way, the human race can not only survive for many generations to come, but to also know the world the way our ancestors did, but also grow up knowing that we have made a difference to those yet to be born. I want to be able to breathe air that isn't polluted with harmful chemicals. I want to be able to buy products that are not destroying the earth in any part of the cycle of production of the product, (watch "Story of Stuff (2007, OFFICIAL Version)" for more information about the production cycle). I want to be able to eat food, knowing that I'm not ingesting chemicals that are harmful.
Here are two other definitions of what sustainability is:

After learning about what sustainability is, I wanted to know more about how I, as an interior design student, could help the world be a more sustainable place for everyone. So I first came up with my own definition of what "sustainable design" is. I think that sustainable design is adapting our idea for a product, interior space, exterior space, infrastructure etc. in such a way that we are aware of how our decisions and the products we use affect the environment, the air, and our health. By making sustainable or eco-friendly decisions in our designs, it will help not only the present, but will also help sustain the earth for future generations.

But how can we make good choices if we aren't sure where to start or what will actually help? Well, lucky for you, that's where I come in! I will be here to educate you on what you, as a consumer, can do and how to ask the right questions and to whom you should ask. And that's what i will be exploring in my next post!

So, that's all for my first post about sustainability! Feel free to leave a question/comment about anything I've posted. Have a great day!